Lake Worth Beach Cottage Homes Ribbon Cutting
Success Stories

Lake Worth Beach Cottage Homes Ribbon Cutting

During the Lake Worth Beach Cottage Homes Ribbon Cutting, we celebrated with our Circle Leader on the closing on her...
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Bentoria Murray: Accepted into the PBC New Leader’s Council
Success Stories

Bentoria Murray: Accepted into the PBC New Leader’s Council

We are so proud of one of our Circles Graduate, Bentoria Murray who was accepted into the Palm Beach County...
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Circle Leader Developed a Financial Literacy Program
Success Stories

Circle Leader Developed a Financial Literacy Program

We are extremely proud of our Circle Leader, Jessica Estel. She received a $5,000 grant from Education Foundation of Palm...
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Circles Graduate Cooked For A Governor And Then His Career Took Off
Success Stories

Circles Graduate Cooked For A Governor And Then His Career Took Off

Keith Walker had prepared his signature meals for his usual patrons at a tiny eatery inside a retail store in...
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Circles Taught Her To Save — $5 At A Time
Success Stories

Circles Taught Her To Save — $5 At A Time

A few years ago, TaQuoya Scott, a 34-year-old mother of five boys, wanted to start a savings account in hopes...
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Wendell Esthema: Circles Opened New Doors of Possibility
Success Stories

Wendell Esthema: Circles Opened New Doors of Possibility

For Weendell Esthema, all doors are open to starting a successful new life. Earlier this year, the 30-year-old Haitian-born resident...
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Randi Marks, Circles Participant: “Program Changed My Life Forever.”
Success Stories

Randi Marks, Circles Participant: “Program Changed My Life Forever.”

Randi Marks initially resisted signing up for our CIRCLES program. The mother of two young children felt life was too hard. It...
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Tene Fort: I Built A Better Future For Myself
Success Stories

Tene Fort: I Built A Better Future For Myself

Tene Fort was lost in life when she came to our CIRCLES program. The woman in her mid-20s had no clear plan...
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Craig and Audrey Davis: Circles is a lifeline to opportunities
Success Stories

Craig and Audrey Davis: Circles is a lifeline to opportunities

Craig and Audrey Davis became supporters (Allies) in Circles with little knowledge and expectations about the program. Pretty soon, though,...
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Circles Allies Ed and Vonda Daniels: Program Gave Us Love and Support
Success Stories

Circles Allies Ed and Vonda Daniels: Program Gave Us Love and Support

Ed and Vonda Daniels are supporters (Allies) in our Circles program. As mentors and friends of the family they have...
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